Blockchain Technology And Its Applications


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Blockchain is a term that has travelled more than any other technical terms in the recent past, despite the fact that the term itself contains the word “Block” in its own name. It can be heard in practically all of the current information technology infrastructures, which indicates that it poses a possible risk to the very survival of the existing businesses. Many experts believe that blockchain is the technology of the future. This Book attempts to make things easier to grasp for everyone who is interested in learning about technological advancements. This book may serve as a starting point for anybody interested in learning more about blockchain technology. However it is important to keep in mind that this book does not cover everything that you can potentially come into when working with blockchain technology. Consider this your beginning point for further exploration and expanding your knowledge base in Blockchain technology, and use the information you find here as a guide. This book covers all of the fundamental aspects of blockchain technology and includes chapters on subjects such as Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, and cross-Border Payments. In the first part, which was about blockchain, the book explored what blockchain is, its working principles, the historical advancements, the technological implementations, its application areas, and the possible future of Blockchain.

Surendra Kumar, Dr. Vikas Raina, Dr. SK Althaf Hussain Basha, Dr. Kamal Nain Sharma






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