Industrial Psychology


The field of industrial psychology emerged when experts attempted to adapt psychological principles to everyday issues in the business world. Industrial psychology, in its simplest definition, is the study of human behavior in the workplace. The field of industrial psychology developed from psychology’s early achievements in characterizing and quantifying individual variations. That “the examination of individual characteristics is an important cornerstone of the field” is a statement that may be accepted without much thought. Psychologists quickly realized the significance of these variations for fields as diverse as career advising, people selection, job placement, even organizational counseling. This subfield of psychology is concerned with the application of psychological concepts and theories to the business world. Industrial-organizational psychology (I-O psychology) focuses on improving workplace efficiency and associated concerns, such as the physical and mental health of workers. Industrial-organizational psychologists examine employee attitudes and behaviors, assess companies, and provide leadership development programs. Studying workplace behavior with the hopes of increasing efficiency is the primary focus of this academic discipline. Workplace happiness is a major focus of industrial psychologists’ studies. In order to maximize productivity in the workplace, these experts devise policies and put them into effect.
Name of Author

Dr. Shruti Kirti Rastogi, Prof. Venkat Namdev Ghodke, Dr. Swati Kekare, Dr. Uma Rajmohan

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