The area of artificial intelligence (AI) is vast, and so is this book. To the best of our abilities, we’ve attempted to cover all aspects of the field: from microelectronic devices to robotic planetary explorers, logic, probability, continuous mathematics, and more. People across the world are beginning to realize how important Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be in the global digital economy of the future. It’s been a few years since AI became a geostrategic issue, and a lot of nations are working hard to keep on top of their AI policies. Programming languages, operating systems and other tools have been provided by computer science’s software side as well. AI has paid back its debt in many ways, including the introduction of time sharing, engaging interpreters, the linked list data type, automatic storage management, along with some of the basic concepts of object-oriented programming and integrated development environments with graphical user interfaces that have found their way back into “mainstream” computing. Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen in India’s AI policy as a potential source of inclusive economic growth and social progress. In order to “fully harness the promise of AI in a sustainable way,” the paper stresses the necessity of skills-based education (as opposed to information heavy education) and the relevance of project-related employment. The aim of Introduction to Artificial Intelligence is to strive together to make our students future ready and help them work on incorporating Artificial Intelligence to improve their learning experience.
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