Remote Sensing and GIS provides a scientific method for the detection, assessment and monitoring of the physical properties of a region by evaluating its reflected and emitted radiation at a distance which may be capture either from a satellite, aircraft or unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Remote sensing is applied in numerous fields, including environmental mapping, hydrology, geology, meteorology, oceanography, glaciology, etc. It is also utilized in the fields of management, administration, economic planning, military zones, intelligence, etc. This lab manual aims to introduce a cloud-computing based Google Earth Engine (GEE) environment to the students with a Remote Sensing and GIS course to understand and perform various operations along with execution of different algorithms within the GEE environment. This guidebook includes basics of GEE, importing commonly used data collections, generating vegetative indices, generating surface temperature maps, analysing and exporting data for post- processing in local devices. The manual has been developed by the authors to enable students in learning and executing different remote sensing methods with minimum knowledge about coding. The student may follow the exercises in a chronological fashion, greatly expediting laboratory work. This manual contains brief description of the actual working environment, which is accompanied by illustrations and graphical abstracts where necessary.
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