Plant Anatomy And Physiology



Plant anatomy refers to the field of research that examines
the tissue & cellular structure of plant organs. The most
essential element that goes into the construction of a plant
is the cell. The organization of cells occurs first at the
level of tissues, and subsequently at the organ level. The
internal architecture of the many plant organs can be rather
distinct from one another. The book “Plant Anatomy and
Physiology” provides an in-depth examination of the most
topical issues in modern botany. This book provides a
thorough introduction to plant anatomy and physiology.
The book discusses the fundamental structure as well as
the variety of the cells and tissues of vascular plants.
Additionally, it examines the developmental, functional,
evolutionary, and ecological implications of these elements.
The book serves as a primer on the anatomy and histology
of vegetative and reproductive plant parts. This book also
discusses the embryology and morphogenesis of angiosperms.
Some of the topics covered in this book include cell division,
cell walls, apical meristems, the cambium, and the anatomy
of the many floral parts. This book is an excellent resource
for students, professionals, and researchers working in the
area of botanical sciences who are searching for an
introduction to current topics in their specific domains
and who are interested in the botanical sciences.

Name of Author

Dr. B. S. Jyothsna, Dr. Akanksha Singh, Mr. Ranjit Raut, Miss. Sonali Phule

ISBN Number



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