This book provides an introduction to the mechanical manipulation as a scientific and technical discipline. The roots of this branch of robotics may be traced back to a number of different disciplines of study. Mechanics, control theory, as well as computer science are the most relevant topics. The book contains fundamentals with illustrated visuals and graphs to help the reader understand the concept in a better and simple manner. An upper-division undergraduate or first-year graduate course would benefit greatly from this text. Statics and dynamics, programming in a high-level language as well as linear algebra can be all prerequisites for this course. Students who have taken an introductory control theory course will have an advantage, although it is not required. One of the book’s objectives is to deliver information in an easy-to-understand manner. It is not necessary that the audience consists only of the mechanical engineers, even though a large portion of the content is drawn from that subject. The text is also accessible to mathematicians, computer scientists, as well as electrical engineers. Robotic system developers will find a lot of value in this book, but the information presented here is valuable to anybody interested in robotics. People who aren’t directly engaged with the mechanics as well as control of robots must have some knowledge in this area, just as software developers often do.
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