Value Education And National Education Policy 2020


As this book in ancient India, students were taught moral principles via the Gurukul system and at the renowned Nalanda and Takshashila Universities. Reforms in education policy based on core values established a foundation for applying learning to the common good. Sushrut, ryabhatta, Panini, and Chanakya were just a few of the ancient Bharat’s wise men and women who made significant contributions to global discourse. The change from a 10+2 pattern to a 5+3+3+3+4 one has far-reaching effects on a national scale. After three decades, this choice will result in a significant transformation in the educational system in India. Holistic education, Bharat-centric education, the creation of a knowledge-based society, and an emphasis on knowledge-based education are only few of the ways in which the new National Education Policy is encouraging an education based on Indian values. This book covers a wide range of important subjects, including the principles and issues of value education, redefining the goal of education, and how values are learned in the classroom. It also discusses NEP 2020. Including values in the curriculum, gaining an appreciation for the need of inculcating values via consistent and extensive activities, and other approaches and tactics of value education are briefly explored. The book discusses other methods of student engagement, such as mentoring programmes and cutting-edge methods of figuring out how to get the word out in and around schools. With the implementation of its varied advantages, national education policy plays significant roles in secondary, higher education, and professional education.
Name of Author

Dr. Pratima Mishra, Dr. Sachin J. Shastri, Midhun Moorthi C, Sarveshwar Kasarla

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