

The purification of wastewater is of the utmost importance for environmental preservation and animal and human health. Improper treatment of effluent can result in the contamination of water sources, the destruction of natural habitats, and the transmission of severe diseases. Wastewater treatment plants perform precisely as their name implies: they treat the water that is discharged back into the environment after treating it at the source. Further action is necessary, notwithstanding the global installations of these plants that are currently underway. Water is a critically valuable resource that is currently being wasted.
There are numerous methods for treating effluent; the greater the efficiency of the treatment process, the greater the proportion that can be recycled prior to its discharge into the ocean. The principal objective of “wastewater treatment technologies” is to safeguard both human health and local ecosystems against the presence of hazardous substances in wastewater. Due to the fact that the natural process of water purification cannot maintain pace with the amount of refuse produced by society, water treatment facilities were created to accelerate the process. In developing nations that have yet to implement established wastewater treatment systems, the absence of these processes would significantly increase the dangers of daily life and prevent the recycling of wastewater.

Name of Author

M. S. Karuna

ISBN Number



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